Effective as of 12/05/2024
Certificates of Deposit
Term | Interest Rate | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) |
Term 91 Days | Interest Rate 0.10% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.10% |
Term 6 Month | Interest Rate 0.10% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.10% |
Term 9 Month | Interest Rate 0.15% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.15% |
Term 10 Month | Interest Rate 0.15% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.15% |
Term 1 Year | Interest Rate 3.87% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 4.00% |
Term 15 Month | Interest Rate 0.20% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.20% |
Term 18 Month | Interest Rate 0.20% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.20% |
Term 19 Month | Interest Rate 0.30% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.30% |
Term 2 Years | Interest Rate 0.30% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.30% |
Term 3 Years | Interest Rate 0.40% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.40% |
Term 4 Years | Interest Rate 0.50% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.50% |
Term 5 Years | Interest Rate 0.75% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.75% |
Minimum Initial Deposit of $1,000.00
Minimum balance required to earn interest
A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal
Interest calculated on a continuous basis and paid monthly or quarterly. Interest rates are variable rates. At our discretion, all rates are subject to change.
Effective as of 12/05/2024
Savings Accounts
Account Type | Interest Rate | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) |
Account Type Statement Savings | Interest Rate 0.03% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.03% |
Account Type Business Savings* | Interest Rate | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) |
Account Type $500,000.00+ | Interest Rate 2.50% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 2.57% |
Account Type $200,000.00 - $499,999.99 | Interest Rate 1.50% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 1.53% |
Account Type $50,000.00 - $199,999.00 | Interest Rate 0.10% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.10% |
Account Type $1,000.00 - $49,999.99 | Interest Rate 0.05% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.05% |
Account Type $0.00 - $999.99 | Interest Rate 0.00% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.00% |
Minimum Initial Deposit of $50.00
Limit of 6 transactions per month
Minimum balance required to earn interest
Interest calculated on a continuous basis and paid monthly or quarterly. Interest rates are variable rates. At our discretion, all rates are subject to change.
Effective as of 11/06/2024
Checking Accounts
Account Type | Interest Rate | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) |
Account Type Business Checking (unincorporated)*** | Interest Rate 0.01% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.01% |
Account Type Business Checking (incorporated)*** | Interest Rate 0.00% | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) 0.00% |
Minimum Initial Deposit of $50.00
Minimum balance required to earn interest
Interest calculated on a continuous basis and paid monthly. All rates are subject to change.
***Average daily balance greater than $1,000.00 = no monthly charge/Average daily balance $1,000.00 or less = $6.00 Monthly Service Charge + $0.20 per check
Availability of Deposits (Reg. C.C.) - Funds from deposits may not be available for immediate withdrawal. Please refer to this institution's rules governing funds availability for details.
Miami Savings Bank reserves the right to require at least seven days’ notice before any withdrawal or transfer of funds on all interest-bearing accounts. See detailed disclosure for more information.
Unclaimed Fund Law - In the event the account remains inactive for a period of 5 years, the funds will be turned over to the State of Ohio, as provided in Chapter 169 of the Ohio Revised Code.