Fees and Charges: The following fees and charges may be assessed against your account. Check printing fees vary by the style of check ordered.
- 3rd Party Check Reversal Fee - per check or ACH - $25.00
- Account Closed within 90 Days fee - $10.00
- Bank Check Fee - per item - $10.00
- Bill Payment Rush Delivery Fee - per item - $30.00
- Card Fees - See Below
- Card Reissue Fee - per card - $5.00
- Certified Check Fee - per check - $5.00
- Check Retrieval - per check - $8.00
- Dormancy Fee (assessed on savings and checking accounts after 2 years of inactivity and a balance of $100 or less.) - $5.00
- Escheat Fee - $50.00
- External Transfer Next Day Deliver - per transfer - $10.00
- Insufficient Funds Fee - $35.00
- Internet Stop Payment Fee - $30.00
- IRA Levy or Garnishment Fee - per item - $50.00
- Merchant Remote Deposit Fee - per month - $25.00
- Money Order Fee - per item - $3.00
- Research Fee - per hour - $20.00
- Return Insufficient Funds Fee - per check and ACH - $35.00
- Safe Deposit Box Fees - See Below
- Statement Copy Fee - per page - $5.00
- Stop Payment Fee - Check or ACH - per item - $30.00
- Uncollected Funds Fee - (unavailable funds) - per check or ACH item - $10.00
- Wire Transfers - Foreign Incoming Wire Fee - $10.00
- Wire Transfers - Foreign Outgoing Wire Fee - $55.00
- Wire Transfers - Incoming Wire Fee - $10.00
- Wire Transfers - Outgoing Wire Fee - $20.00
There is NO Fee to use your Miami Savings Bank debit card at any Miami Savings Bank office ATM in Miamitown, Harrison, and Oxford. If you use our card at any other ATM the charges are as follows:
- Balance Inquiry - No Charge
- Foreign ATM Deposit Fee - $2.00
- Foreign ATM Withdrawal Fee - $2.00
- Foreign ATM Transfer Fee - $2.00
- Other banks may charge an additional fee for the use of their ATM *
* Starting June 1, 2024, Miami Savings Bank will reimburse up to $15.00 each statement period for the fees charged by the other bank.
- Annual Fees
- Safe Deposit Box - 10x10 - $80.85
- Safe Deposit Box - 2x5 - $16.17
- Safe Deposit Box - 3x10 - $37.73
- Safe Deposit Box - 3x5 - $19.41
- Safe Deposit Box - 5x10 - $48.51
- Safe Deposit Box - 5x5 - 32.34
- Other Fees
- Safe Deposit Box Drilling Fee - $250.00
- Safe Deposit Box Lost Key Fee - $15.00